
startTransition lets you update the state without blocking the UI.




The startTransition function lets you mark a state update as a Transition.

import { startTransition } from 'react';

function TabContainer() {
const [tab, setTab] = useState('about');

function selectTab(nextTab) {
startTransition(() => {
// ...

See more examples below.



startTransition does not return anything.


  • startTransition does not provide a way to track whether a Transition is pending. To show a pending indicator while the Transition is ongoing, you need useTransition instead.

  • You can wrap an update into a Transition only if you have access to the set function of that state. If you want to start a Transition in response to some prop or a custom Hook return value, try useDeferredValue instead.

  • A state update marked as a Transition will be interrupted by other state updates. For example, if you update a chart component inside a Transition, but then start typing into an input while the chart is in the middle of a re-render, React will restart the rendering work on the chart component after handling the input state update.

  • Transition updates can’t be used to control text inputs.

  • If there are multiple ongoing Transitions, React currently batches them together. This is a limitation that will likely be removed in a future release.


Marking a state update as a non-blocking Transition

You can mark a state update as a Transition by wrapping it in a startTransition call:

import { startTransition } from 'react';

function TabContainer() {
const [tab, setTab] = useState('about');

function selectTab(nextTab) {
startTransition(() => {
// ...

Transitions let you keep the user interface updates responsive even on slow devices.

With a Transition, your UI stays responsive in the middle of a re-render. For example, if the user clicks a tab but then change their mind and click another tab, they can do that without waiting for the first re-render to finish.


startTransition is very similar to useTransition, except that it does not provide the isPending flag to track whether a Transition is ongoing. You can call startTransition when useTransition is not available. For example, startTransition works outside components, such as from a data library.

Learn about Transitions and see examples on the useTransition page.